GREH plays a gritty and minimalistic sound played by just one guitar, drums and vocals that manages to create its own character; that combines rage and heaviness with groove and dissonance.


GREH is a new band of Gjero Krsteski (guitar / ex. HELLGREASER), Maurice Müller (drums / HARD STRIKE, MILAN) and Martin Kocula (vocals / GRAU) from Germany. After Gjero`s departure from HELLGREASER he founded GREH. First in 2022 as a one-man project, and since 2023 as a full-fledged band. On March 31, 2023, the debut EP digital "Reversion Of The Repressed" was released with five songs, which stylistically represent a mixture of black and death metal with doom elements.

The band has supported bands like Ophis, HEXIS, Bewitcher, Iron Walrus, Glare Of The Sun and has been headlining shows in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands since 2023, gaining a legion of fans in the process. On 15th January 2025 GREH released their debut album “Dysphoric Devotion” on their own label GREH-Recordings in collaboration with Fetzner Death Records.

For fans of: Hexis, Heriot, Nails, Mantar, Thou, Konvent, Conan, YOB, Nightmarer, Predatory Void, Triptykon, Body Void, Primitive Man.


9 von 10 Punkte vom Hellfire Magazine, Review

“Schon zu Beginn des Jahres ein Highlight in Ihrem Blackened Death-Doom-Metal Genre und deshalb vergebe ich 9 von 10 Hellfire Punkten und hoffe, die Jungs dieses Jahr wieder live sehen zu können.” Source:

9 von 10 Punkte vom Paranoyd Magazine, Review

“Spirituelle Dunkelheit und Emotionen im Metal: Für mich vereint dieses Album harte Arbeit, Schmerz und Tränen und schenkt uns so einen musikalischen Einblick in die nicht so schönen Aspekte des menschlichen Seins. Der clevere Einsatz verschiedener Genre, wie z.Bsp. Sludge, Doom und angeschwärzten Deathmetal, verleiht dem ganzen dann noch den letzten Schliff.” Source:

Transcended Music Magazine, Recommendation

“End your new year’s lethargy right now with GREH. Dysphoric Devotion is blistering Blackened Death Metal done crushingly right.” Source:

No Clean SInging Magazine, Review

“Even two songs in, Greh have already brought in elements of pitch-black sludge and black metal, while making clear that a key goal of their songwriting is to beat listeners senseless while scaring the hell out of them. Brutish, battering-ram grooves continue to play a key role as the album expands, as do morbid minor-key melodies that seem to slowly writhe in agony and hopelessly wail.” Source:


Dysphoric Devotion - January 15, 2025

Chained Thoughts - May 17, 2024

Illusional Cenotaph - April 1, 2024

Reversion Of The Repressed - March 31, 2023

Age of Resentment - June 1, 2022

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